I'm glad that you had fun on the cruise. My week was pretty good. Today, we had a mission soccer tournament. It was a lot of fun, but really stressful. I coached our zone, and played a bit, mostly defense. It was a lot of fun though. I realized that I'm out of shape. Maybe it's just the altitude haha, but I can't run as much anymore. But the tournament was fun anyway. We ended up winning, even though we lost pretty bad one game, we came back and won that same team in the finals. I loved conference. I wish that I could just watch and rewatch the talks, but once the ensign gets here I'm going to study them up. They were all so good. I honestly believe that it was the best conference I have ever seen. I sent in my ASU application last week to change my major. Now I just have to send in papers to reinstate my scholarship, but I still have another month to finish those. Next week, I'll get on the ASU website and see what all I have to do for that. Sorry my email is short haha we don't have much time because of the tournament. But I'll write more next week. I love you. :) Elder Janda
Well, I don't really have much time to write because we went to the centro today. It was a lot of fun. First, we went to this place called Chapultapec, it's this big park and there is a castle where the leaders of Mexico used to live a long time ago when Mexico was part of Spain. It was really cool. We also went to a zoo that was part of the park there. It was fun. Then we went to the downtown of Mexico City. It was really cool. When we come back to Mexico to visit we'll have to go there. Well, I hope you have a fantastic week. I love you. Love, Elder Janda
I was just checking my ASU application. It looks like the recommendation letter from Sister Jones, hasn't been recieved, but the other two have. Did you send it? If you go to music.asu.edu it's the music school's website, I think there is a way to send it by email or fax. It has to be there by the 25th or else they'll charge me fee. Thanks. I love you