Transfers were great. You'll never guess who my new
companion is. It's Elder Zufelt, my comp from the MTC haha. It was
really surprising when president announced that we were companions. I'm
really happy to be back with him. I can already tell that we are going
to work really well together. This week, we worked harder than I have
worked with any of my companions that I've had so far. We have lots of
plans to help this ward and I'm really excited to see how everything
turns out. That's really exciting that Kyle is an Elder and that he's
going to get his call soon. They're going to split my mission in July
and it would be really funny if he got called to the other mission haha.
That's crazy that Aunt Lisa met Elder Gantt. He just barely got home on
Wednesday. He was one of the assistants to the president here in the
mission. He's a great guy. I can't believe Clark is coming here. That's
really cool. Tell him his mission is going to be tiny, but that it's
full of people haha. This week was really great. We had some great
experiences. In one of the lessons we had with a lady named Edda Lorna
Piña, when we got there she was really worried and scared to continue
basically because she's scared that she won't be able to follow through
with her commitments and everything. So we basically just talked to her
and helped her feel more confident in herself as well as in the Lord.
Then at the end we prayed with her and had her ask if the Book of Mormon
was true and if Joseph Smith was a prophet and if she should continue
with us. After the pray we just sat a few moments in silence so she
could ponder and receive her answer. While we were waiting I could tell
that she was receiving her answer and afterwards, she told us that as
she was thinking, she saw herself and her two kids walking out of the
church smiling. It was a great experience and the spirit was definitely
very strong. The next visit she brought her two kids, one is 12 and the
other 16. They seemed really excited about learning and everything. In
fact her older son asked us if he would be able to go on a mission like
us. It was awesome. I really hope we can continue teaching them and they
continue progressing because I know they will become a very strong
family in the church. Well, I hope you have a fantastic week. I love you
so much. You are the best! Love, Elder Janda
I'm glad to hear everyone is doing so well. It is great
hearing from all of you. Tomorrow is going to be transfers, and my
companion is going to be changed. I don't know who is going to be my new
companion, but I'm excited to find out who it will be and get to know
him. This week we spent almost all week helping some other missionaries
find some people that they were teaching and prepare them to get
baptized. It was great getting to work with them, and in the end three
people got baptized and two or three more are going to get baptized next
week. Yesterday, was our stake conference. It was awesome. The church
was completely full. There weren't anymore seats left. We gave up our
seats to other people and were stuck standing in the doorway or outside
because there wasn't anymore room. The talks were all great. One of the
counselors talked about the importance of sacrifice and the president
talked about faith and missionary work. I also heard that nine new
missions are going to be opened soon here in Mexico, and one of those
missions will be here in Mexico City. I'm really excited for all of the
big changes that are going on in the world as far as mission work goes.
It's definitely a sign that the second coming is getting closer. I love
you all, and am so glad to have heard from you. I can't wait to visit
you all as soon as I get home. Keep strong in the gospel. Always read
you scriptures and pray. Love, Elder Janda
Here are some photos. I don't remember what pictures I've
sent, but I don't think I've sent these ones. haha The first one is a
family we baptized about a month ago. The second is with the family that
had us over for thanksgiving and for new years. Love, Elder Janda
Here are some photos. I don't remember what pictures I've
sent, but I don't think I've sent these ones. haha The first one is a
family we baptized about a month ago. The second is with the family that
had us over for thanksgiving and for new years. Love, Elder Janda