Friday, October 5, 2012


My new area is actually not very far from where I was before, but it's in the other stake. I'm in Neza and the area isn't very big, but it's bigger than Pantitlan was. My new companion is pretty cool. His name is Elder Ortega. He's the district leader. He's from Guaymas, Sonora. He's pretty cool, and we get along pretty well. In this ward there are also two other missionaries. They're both pretty cool. One is from Las Vegas and I get along with him really well. His name is Elder Holley. The other is Elder Valenzuela. We get along well, but he doesn't really talk much. I didn't get to visit a lot of people before I left last Monday, but I got to visit the people that are more important to me which was good. Today, we had a zone activity. We went and played soccer and volleyball and everything at the stake center and then after some people came and made us tacos. The only bad thing was that the people with the tacos got there late and were taking a long time, so we didn't get to eat as much as we would've liked to. We still ate a ton though. Supposedly they brought meat and everything for between 800 and 1000 tacos, and when I left it was all just about gone. There are 30 missionaries in the zone and I think a few weren't there. I'm glad to hear everything is going well at home.  I'm excited for conference this next week. Here in the mission, conference is way better. For some reason I can just focus better and get way more out of it than I could at home. Well I hope everything continues going well. I love you and I hope you have a great week. Love, Elder Janda
This morning, they called me and told me that today I'm going to get transfered to another area. I don't know exactly where the area is, but it's not too far from here, it's in Nezahuacoyotl, in the Polanco ward. My ne companion is going to be Elder Ortega, I don't really know him, I've just seen him at zone meeting and such. I'm kinda sad and dissapointed because I'm going to miss the people here and because since Elder Yañez got here we've basically just been searching for new people and finally this last week we found a few, but oh well, there's not really anything I can do about it. Today we've basically just been going around saying goodbye to people. Basically for zone conferences, the whole zone, about 30 missionaries, meet in the stake center and the president and the assistants come and they all teach us how to teach better and stuff like that, the zone leaders teach too. We're usually there about 4 or 5 hours. My mission president is President Morales. He's from Tabasco which is in the south of mexico on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Well I'm sure I'll have more to tell you next week about my new companion and my new area and everything.
Saturday, we were knocking doors, and a teenager answered the door and when we asked if anyone else was home he said no, there all sleeping, the funny part was that as he was saying that, his mom walked right behind him haha. Usually the people who reject us here just lie to us or don't answer the door haha, but that's missionary work I guess haha.
I love you and am so grateful for everything that you do for me. I hope you have a great week. Love, Elder Janda

I'm glad to hear everything is going well. This week was pretty much the same as the past 
week except we didn't have as much time to work. On friday and saturday we didn't really get to do much of anything. On Friday we had a zone conference, and then after that we took some investigators to a stake party because some other missionaries were going to baptize and we wanted them to see a baptism. Then Saturday was the Mexican Independence day, so we had to be home at 6. We didn't really do anything special to celebrate, except that just about everyone wanted us to go eat pozole with them. It's a type of soup that is basically what everyone here makes for special occasions. That's basically all that's going on here. Hopefully everything works out well. Tell everyone hi and that I love them. I love you. Elder Janda