Hola. Everything here is going pretty well. It turns out I'm getting changed. Elder Austin is going to train. I don't know where they are going to send me though. It'll be interesting. On the 1st of July the mission will officially be divided and the Chalco mission will be created. Apparently there are going to be lots of missionaries that get changed tomorrow, so it will be interesting to see who stays in this mission and who goes to the other. This morning, my companion and I run up the big hill in our area and took pictures and such from the top. It was pretty cool. Some other missionaries were going to go with us, but then at the last minute they backed out. I think they decided that they would rather sleep in haha. The family of 7 that we are teaching are going really well. The mom had gotten baptized a few weeks ago, but yesterday got confimed. Everyone except for the Dad and the oldest son went to church and they really liked it. Tonight they are going to have another family home evening with some members in the ward. That's weird to think that Devan is home and that Spencer is heading out. Tell Spencer I say hi and wish him good luck for me. The broadcast yesterday about missionary work was awesome. It made me really excited about the work and I hope that the members here start getting more excited as well. And I can't believe that soon missionaries are going to be using computers and facebook and such things to work haha. It'll be interesting to see how the work continues to change as time goes on. Haha don't worry about Courtney; in December I'll be home and I'll run all the boys away from her haha. Well, I hope everything is going well there and that you have an awesome week. I love you. Love, Elder Janda