Monday, February 4, 2013

I'm glad to hear that everything is going well. So, today, I finally got my Christmas package haha. Thank you so much. I love everything you sent me :) I had just about given up hope that it wasn't going to arrive, so I was pretty surprised when we got to the zone leaders house yesterday and they told me I had a package. I can't believe all the things that are changing. The meeting with Elder Nelson was awesome. There was so much traffic that we almost didn't arrive though. We planned ahead and left at about 7:15 to get there be 8 just in case there was some problem, because the meeting didn't start and we didn't have to be there until 9, but we ended up getting there about 8:50. His talk was awesome. He spoke in English with someone translating which was cool, but there were a few times the translator didn't translate correctly. At one point, Elder Nelson was talking about how Leah the second wife of Jacob or Israel died in childbirth, and Elder Nelson, as a doctor, gave his opinion of how she died, but for some reason, the translator said that it was doctrine instead of opinion, and then Elder Nelson corrected him saying ''no doctrina, opinión'' haha. It was pretty funny. The whole reason that Elder Nelson came down was to announce that the church's high school, called ''El Benemerito de las Americas'' commonly known as ''El Benne'' is going to be closed down and changed into the largest MTC in the world, and that it's going to open as soon as school gets out. Which means, that if Kyle comes to Mexico on his mission, it is very likely that he is going to come to that MTC. Everything else here is going pretty well. There's not really much else new. That's cool that Ben Franklin is going to make a high school. Well, I hope you have a fantastic week and always remember that you are the best :) I love you. Elder Janda 
This week went pretty well. We ended up not baptizing the kids we were going to baptize, but the family we baptized two weeks ago got confirmed this week. It was awesome! Also, our mission president came to our ward which was pretty cool. Tomorrow, Elder Russel M. Nelson is going to come here to Mexico, and so all the missionaries that live within one hour of the temple get to go meet him. Luckily I live almost exactly one hour from the temple, so I get to go :) I'm super excited. I can't believe Mitch is engaged. That's way exciting. That stinks that you're all sick. Hopefully you can all get feeling better soon. I remember going to see the play forever plaid, but I don't remember what it was about or anything. Just that we went and we liked it haha. The weather here has been pretty nice. Sometimes it gets a bit chilly at night and in the mornings, but during the day it's just about perfect. I'm pretty sure I'm going to die when I get home because of the heat haha. Well, there's not much else new going on down here. I hope you have a great week. I love you :) Love, Elder Janda

I'm glad everything is going well. Everything here is good. We baptized a 9 year old kid from a less active family which was cool. Hopefully it will help them to become more active. I didn't get transferred, and I'm still with my same companion, Elder Ortega. There were several new missionaries that were supposed to arrive, and Elder Ortega was going to train one of them, but only two arrived, so he didn't train, and we're still together. That's awesome that you had such a great experience in the temple. I can't wait until I can go to the temple. That's so cool that Court won her games. I'm sure she is having a lot of fun. Tell everyone I say hi and that everything is going well. Yesterday, I got to give a talk in a baptize from another ward. It was one of the most spiritual baptismal services I've ever been in. It was awesome. I could feel the Spirit really strong and I could see that the person that was going to get baptized could as well and really understood the covenant that she was making with the Lord. Well, there's not really much else new going on. I love you and I hope you have a great week. You are awesome. Love, Elder Janda