So in my mission, we work a lot with the members trying to help them share the gospel, and so I decided to invite all of you to this week get to know the missionaries in your ward. Have them over for dinner, or talk to them at church or something, and ask them if you can have a pamphlet or something that you can give to one of your friends, then read the pamphlet, and then give it to your friend. We have a great, very simple way that we teach members to share the gospel with people, and I´ll have to tell you more about it next week, cuz I don´t have much time. But I want to invite all of you to talk to the missionaries this week. You won´t regret it.
I love you all. Elder Janda
Hey, sorry I´m writing so late. This week has been super busy, and today wasn´t any different. Today, we had a zone activity where we went to this place called funcentral. It was cool, but it was like all the way on the other side of the DF. It was fun though. We ice skated, bowled. did mini golf, and they had a couple little rides. And all for 70 pesos. It was fun. It took all day though. We left our house at about 8:30 this morning, and have only been home just long enough to grab some money. This week has been super busy. We had divisions for Wednesday and Thursday, so I was with the District leader´s companion and on Wednesday, we were in my area, and Thursday, we were in his. Then Thursday night I had to be at the offices at 8 because on Friday we went to the immigration place and got our visas. It was cool because all of the missionaries that came down with me were there, so I got to see all of them again. It was awesome. It's amazing how well you can bond with someone after only a few weeks out here. Also, on Thursday night, two of the secretaries took my companion and I to a sushi place by the offices. It was pretty good. I got two rolls. One of crab, and one of shrimp. And they only cost the equivalent of about 3.50 USD.
Saturday was just a regular day, and then Sunday was supposed to be really busy, but all of our appointments fell through except for one with a recent convert. That happens a lot here. People say they will be somewhere and they aren´t, but oh well. That´s their choice. Right now we have some pretty good investigators. There´s this one family where the wife was baptized earlier by my companion and his trainer, then the daughter was baptized my first week here, and now we´re working with the husband. His name is Valentín. He´s really cool except he hasn´t gone to church because he got in an accident at work a while ago and his back hurts him a lot, and he has to walk to church, but we´re supposed to baptize him this Sunday, so hopefully it goes through. We´re also teaching this other family, who we found knocking doors a little while ago. I´m pretty sure that they will get baptized and that I told you about them last week. They are the Orozco Soto family. They´re only problems are that they need to get married and that with their schedule, they are not home a lot of the time, and because of the fathers work, it´s difficult to plan with them, because their schedule is pretty unpredictable. They´re really cool they. They have a son, Lalo, who is nine and he is super interested. We passed by Saturday because they had some family in town and had to cancel our appointment, so we passed by to set a new one and invite them to church. But while we were waiting for Dulce, the mother, we were talking to Lalo and asking if he had read in the Book of Mormon, and he said no, but had us come inside and he went and got his book of Mormon and we started reading it together while we waited. It was awesome. It was totally his idea too. And then when his mom came, he was all sad, cuz it was his turn to read haha. They´re supposed to get baptized to 18th, but that depends on whether or not they get married first. We´re gonna go talk to them about that this week, probably tomorrow or Wednesday. My companion is alright. He´s starting to get on my nerves sometimes though. They are a lot of the missionaries in my mission from the states, that just don´t like Mexico for whatever reason. Sometimes he is like that. He´s also a little frito sometimes. (That´s when missionaries are a little lazy or just don´t follow all the rules) And it seems like he´s not very smart with his money. He´s always wanting to go buy tacos or a drink or something, and we don´t have money to do that all the time. But it´s ok. We teach well together I think, and he knows all the people in the ward and remembers names and faces well which is something I´ve been trying to work on, cuz I can never remember people haha, but oh well.
And about the whole Katie thing. It sucks, but there´s not really anything I can do about it. I knew when I came out that that would probably happen. I always hoped it wouldn´t, but it did. I just will have to go forward with faith, and know that God has a plan for me and in the end I will be in the Celestial Kingdom. It´s like either said as his final words. essentially, he said it doesn´t matter if I die or if I´m translated as long I end up in the Celestial Kingdom. It´s the same for us. It doesn´t matter what path the Lord has planned out for us. In the end we will be in the celestial kingdom and in the end we will be happy. I love you all and am grateful for all the support that you have all given me over the years. I love you. Elder Janda
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