My week was pretty good. The work was kinda slow this week. I'm not sure why. There were less people home and then hardly anybody went to church. It was weird. Also, the people that were going to get baptized, ended up getting a new job where they have to work on Sundays, and the husband started drinking again. We were pretty sad when they told us. Hopefully we will be able to get some people prepared soon. We have a lot of investigators that want to get baptized and go to church every week and everything, but the problem is that they aren't married and thay don't really do anything to get married. It's really frustrating. The good part is that this last week, we found some new investigators that appear to be interested. They were listening to the missionareis before, but never got baptized. And the best part is that the couple is already married, so that won't be a problem. That's really cool that more missionaries are arriving there as well. I'm really interested to see how the work is there. When I get home I'll have to go work with the missionaries. That's awesome that Marisa got her mission call to Queretaro. I've met several missionaries from there and they all say that it has awesome weather, and that it is really beautiful. I'm sure she will love it. For your sunday school class, I think the thing that will help them most will be helping them understand the purpose of families and marriage, which is to help us reach our divine potential as children of God. Maybe you could all read ''The Family a proclamation to the world'' together and analize what it means or something. Just study the doctrine, and allow the spirit to guide you and you will know what to do. I love you. And I hopeyou have a fantastic week :) Love, Elder Janda
When they divided the missions, there weren't a whole lot of sister missionaries. I think there were 5 or 6, and they were all Latins. However, by the time she gets there, there will be more sister missionaries. As far as advice, just tell her not to worry. She is going to love it. The people are awesome. The weather is really calm. The only thing is that it rains pretty often during the rainy season. But it's not really a problem. (answer to ? about sister getting call to your mission)
That's cool that you found the chapel. (Eric googled and found on line)
Today we went and played soccer in the morning. It was pretty fun. My companion and I get along really well and we work really well together. This week we had 9 investigators in church. And this Saturday, we're going to baptize 4 people hopefully. I can't believe that your vacations are already over. Time is going by so fast. It's ridiculous! haha Work here in my new area is going well. The area is a lot like when I was in Neza and the people are really similar as well, they have to same style of living, the same way of thinking and everything, so I'm already really used to it. That's cool that you saw Carlos. It's weird thinking that most of my friends that went on missions are already home. Only Wesley and I are left haha. Well, I hope you have a fantastic week. I love you and am so grateful for everything that you always do for me. I love you! Love, Elder Janda
Here is a picture taken walking down the hill in my area in Chimaluacan. My companion, Elder Austin, and I decided to do some exercise on Monday and run up the hill. We were hoping to be able to get some cool pictures from the top, but it ended up being a rather cloudy day, so you can't see much. The second picture is taken from the top of the same hill. Here in Mexico, for some reason, they put big crosses on top of all of the hills. So here you can see the cross and some of the city down below. Again, it was a cloudy day, so you can't see much haha.
Here is a picture of me with President Morales from the Southeast mission. The other picture is of the volcano, Popocateptl, taken from the roof of the house where I lived in Ozumba.

Hello! So this week, President decided to make some changes. I'm not in Ozumba anymore haha. Now I'm in a ward called Buena Vista in the Meyehualco stake. I still don't really know where it is since I just got here Saturday afternoon haha. All I know is that it is in Iztapalapa in the Federal District. It's a lot like Neza, just a bit more safe. My new companion is really cool. He's from Spanish Fork, but his mom is Debbie Redd from Monticello. I'm interested to see if you know her or not, because I remember having heard that last name before and he remembers hearing his mom talk about Blacks that she used to know haha. What a small world it can be haha. Anyway. Everything here is going well. We have lots of work in this area. We have several people that want to get baptized but have to get married first, and a few have to get divorced first so that they can get married to who they are living with now haha. Situations like that are frustrating at times, but it's all part of the work haha. I was going to send some pictures today, but I forgot to bring my memory again. I'm going to have to write myself a note or something so that I don't forget next week. That's crazy that Evan is getting married. Do you know who he is getting married to? Tell him congratulations for me. I love you and am so grateful for your great example and for everything that you do for me. You are AWESOME! :) Love, Elder Janda
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